
Beacon Players Stage Crews

Stage Manager

The Stage Manager works in tandem with the Director in rehearsal, recording theblocking and seeing that cast members stay on script, have necessary props, andfollow the staging. As the lighting, sound and set change cues are developed, thestage manager meticulously records the timing of each as it relates to the scriptand other aspects of the performance. All notes are maintained in a prompt bookwhich contains all cues, technical notes, blocking and other information pertinentto the show. During the show the Stage Manager essentially takes control,callingthe cues for all transitions, as well as being responsible for communicationbetween the director, actors and back stage crew.

Assistant Director

Assists the Director and Stage Manager in rehearsals prior to performances.Duties may include following along in the script to assist with cues, collectingand organizing paperwork from actors, assisting with timing acts or segments ofthe play to assist the Director with adjusting pacing, helping get items needed bythe Director or Stage Manager, etc.

Technical Director

Responsible for the overall organization of the technical production process.Duties included are generating necessary working drawings for construction (inconjunction with Set Designers) budgets, materials research and purchasing,scheduling and supervising build crews, coordinating the different crews andorganizing the strike and clean-up.

Set Design / Build

Work with the director to develop visual concept via images and sketching.Refine the details relative to stage, lighting, scene changes, time and budget.Next you’ll work on the technical details: how to build, and then migrate into thatphase so you’ll see concept go into reality. This full design / build process isimportant in developing a sense of what’s possible as you approach design in thenext production. Several advisors are available, all you need is interest….

Art Crew

Under the direction of the Technical Director, brings the set to life by painting,staging and decorating. Art Crew may aide prop crew and set crew at times inimplementing the Director’s visions. Uses many faux and realistic techniques tocreate the environment required for the show. Keeps all of the art suppliesorganized and ready for projects. May also be on one of the other running crewsfor the performances of the show.

Costume Crew

Assists the Costume Designer(s) with all aspects of costuming the show. This may involve cleaning and organizing in the costume storage area, assisting with moving costumes in and out of the storage area for each show, assisting with distribution of costume pieces and return of costume pieces from the actors ensuring that all costume pieces are accounted for and in good working order at the end of each show, assisting actors with any required quick changes either on or near the stage and any other costume related needs of the show.

Make-up Crew

Assists Make-up Designer(s) with all aspects of make-up and hair for the show.Duties may include applying make-up, styling hair, assisting with keeping themake-up area and application tools clean
and in good working order, assisting with any make-up and or hair/wig changesduring the show and any other make-up related needs of the show.

Publicity Crew

Works with the Director and production team. Designs, makes, copies,distributes, posts all advertisement materials for the show including programs,posters, flyers, shirts, etc.

Scenic Carpenter

Under the direction of the Technical Director. Uses power tools to build, andassemble all scenic elements of the set (i.e. Flats[walls], platforms, doors etc.),props etc. May also be on one of the other running crews for the performances ofthe show.

Scenic Painter

Under the direction of the Art Director, uses different painting
techniques to paint the scenery for the show to provide the look, texture and feelthat the Director desires for the show. May also be on one of the other runningcrews for the performances of the show.

Lighting Designer

After reading the play and meeting with the Director and Technical Director,designs a lighting plot for the show to provide all necessary lighting for the showincluding general area lighting and any lighting special effects. Once design isapproved, works with Technical Director and lighting crew to hang and focuslights for show. Using computerized light board, designs looks for each sceneand records cues into board for show. May also be Light Board Operator forshow.

Light Board Operator

The Light Board Operator is responsible for operating the light board during allperformances. Performs daily light checks at the beginning of all technical rehearsals and performance call times to ensure that all lighting equipment is working properly. May participate in hanging and focusing lights for show.

Lighting Crew

Assist the Light Board Operator with the light board during all performances.Responsible for keeping the lighting side of the control booth clean andorganized. Helps address any lighting problems that might occur during aperformance. May participate in hanging and focusing lights for show.

Sound Designer

After reading the play and meeting with the Director and Technical Director,prepares all necessary sounds (music, sound effects, background etc.) for theshow including any required pre-show, intermission or post show music mixes.Once approved prepares a CD of all sounds for sound crew and assists withsetting levels and timing for cues. May also be Sound Board Operator.

Sound Board Operator

Responsible for operating the sound board during all performances. Thisincludes all microphones, CD players, computers etc. required to provide soundfor the show. Performs daily sound checks at the beginning of all technicalrehearsals and performance call times to ensure that all sound equipment isoperating properly.

Sound Crew

Assists the Sound Board Operator with the sound board during all performances.Responsible for keeping the sound side of the control booth clean and organized.Helps address any sound problems that might occur during a performance.

Property Master

Build, make or acquire any needed props for the production. Duringperformances, the Prop Master is in charge of the prop table(s), making sure it isorganized and all props are accounted for and in working order. Must check allprops at the beginning of call-time and after every performance.

Property Crew

Assists Prop Master with all props during all performances and rehearsals. Helpsaddress any prop problems that might occur during a performance. May assistBackstage Crew with scene shifts etc.

House Manager and House Crew

Is responsible for everything in front of the stage. Makes sure that the house isready before any audience members arrive. Organizes the ushers to pass out programs, collect tickets and make sure that the house always remains safe and provides assistance to any audience members with wheelchairs. Generally responsible for a pleasant audience experience before, during and after the show.

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